Okay! A story is developing... finally!

So I've been tinkering around with an idea of mine for a little while, and originally, I was like, sweet mother of god I was something awesome! So I made this HUGE ass game, but the little bastard kept corrupting on me, so I was like, "Aw hell nah!" 

After 13 times, number 14 seems to have stuck, so I'm done messing around with large ass projects that don't want to stay uncorrupted. This, leads me into todays devlog! 
So where as the first area are was like, "Yeah, you're powerful as shit! But it's still gonna be a slog through that final battle! So buckle up buttercup!"
This NEXT one, is' gonna a gradual reveal. I WAS going to make a huge ass map, But, what I think I'll do is gradually reveal the next stage, you'll still get the updates!

Also, I'm with Shadow on this one, So, yeah. I'll have the update up and running soonish...

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